Korang ingat tak 'entry' sblm ni pasal ada ketulan yang sakit kat badan saya hari tu?
Akibat tak tertahan sakitnya, maka akhirnya kami sekeluarga bertolak ke Hospital Pantai dan saya pon menjalani pembedahan bagi membuang ketulan tersebut. Kenalah 'warded' semalam..
Syukur alhamdulillah, pembedahan berjalan lancar. Admit pukul 11 lebih camtu kot..kul 1 lebih dah masuk operate. Kul 3 lbh dah selesai dah dihantar masuk wad.
Mesti korang tertanya-tanya sakit apa kan?
Tu kat atas tu nama sakitnya a.k.a jerawat besar yang kena jangkitan kuman. Peliks plak jerawat kat belakang badan..kat pinggang plak tu..haishla..
Pas tanya doktor google, ni dia cerita pasai sakit ni..
Artikel di bawah ehsan dari:
What Are Epidermoid and Sebaceous Cysts?
P/s: sekadar gambar hiasan ye kat atas ni..bukan badan saya tau..(T T)
Korang ingat tak 'entry' sblm ni pasal ada ketulan yang sakit kat badan saya hari tu?
Akibat tak tertahan sakitnya, maka akhirnya kami sekeluarga bertolak ke Hospital Pantai dan saya pon menjalani pembedahan bagi membuang ketulan tersebut. Kenalah 'warded' semalam..
Syukur alhamdulillah, pembedahan berjalan lancar. Admit pukul 11 lebih camtu kot..kul 1 lebih dah masuk operate. Kul 3 lbh dah selesai dah dihantar masuk wad.
Mesti korang tertanya-tanya sakit apa kan?
Tu kat atas tu nama sakitnya a.k.a jerawat besar yang kena jangkitan kuman. Peliks plak jerawat kat belakang badan..kat pinggang plak tu..haishla..
Pas tanya doktor google, ni dia cerita pasai sakit ni..
Artikel di bawah ehsan dari:
What Are Epidermoid and Sebaceous Cysts?
people often call any small, painless lump under the skin "sebaceous
cysts." But those are most often "epidermoid cysts." Sebaceous cysts are
much less common and affect the sebaceous glands, the oil glands in the
Epidermoid cysts can be made up of a protein
called keratin and fat. They usually appear on the face, neck, or upper
body, especially the chest and shoulders. They erupt for many reasons,
most often because of acne
or mild skin injuries. (When they are formed because of swelling
around hair follicles, they are called pilar cysts.) Epidermoid cysts
are usually small, from a few millimeters to about 5 centimeters across,
and they grow slowly. They are more common in men than in women.
Does it hurt?
cyst itself usually doesn't hurt, but it can become tender, sore, and
red if it gets infected. If it pops, the cyst might ooze and smell bad.
Is it dangerous?
No. Epidermoid cysts are harmless and are almost never linked with cancer.
If you're worried that it will grow into something more dangerous,
check with your doctor to make sure it's not another type of skin
Do I have to have it removed?
always. Sometimes smaller epidermoid cysts go away on their own, or can
be treated with warm compresses. Even if a cyst gets infected, a doctor
(usually a dermatologist) can sometimes treat it by injecting it with
steroids. But if a cyst bothers you for any reason, you can see a doctor
to have it removed.
How is an epidermoid cyst removed?
Your doctor may use antibiotics to reduce swelling. Then, after the swelling has eased, he can remove it.
an epidermoid cyst removed is simple. Your doctor will probably numb
your skin with local anesthesia, then make a very small cut in the
surface of the cyst. He applies firm pressure to squeeze out all of the
contents of the cyst. Be forewarned: Some of that bad-smelling pus
inside the cyst may splatter around as it’s draining.
the doctor is finished, he will close the cut with a small stitch, and
later you will probably take antibiotics to fight any infection. If any
of the contents are left inside the cyst, it can grow back again.
If that happens, the doctor may suggest you have another surgery.
Can I pop an epidermoid cyst myself?
might be tempted to try to pop and drain an epidermoid cyst on your
own, but this isn't a good idea. First, if the cyst is infected, the
infection could spread if the cyst ruptures and drains unsafely. Second,
if any of the cyst’s sac is left behind, it could grow back. If the
cyst doesn't bother you, it’s fine to leave it alone. If it seems to be
infected, is uncomfortable, or you don't like the way it looks, it’s
best to have it checked by a doctor.
Maaf ye tak sempat 'translate'. Cuba guna google translator tapi translation dia teruk melampau. Makin tak paham baca. Buat pening kepala plak..hohoho..baik baca yang english lagi senang faham.
Doktor benarkan 'discharge' kui 10 pagi tapi tunggu bill kui 2 tak lepas lagi. Al maklum nak guna prudential bsn punya medical card. Senang cerita kami balik dulu dan bayar je rm400 iaitu 10persen deposit operation. Kui 5 lebih kurang sampailah rumah.
Pagi tadi baru Hospital Pantai tipon bgtau bil dah sedia. Tapi insuran cuma cover rm2900 je. Pastu deposit kami nanti akan dapatla balik rm80. Hmm..kena tanya agen insuran pasni. Tak paham betoi cas mengecas ni. Sib baik topup rm400 ja..klu ribu riban memang pasni terminate teruih insuran nih..huhu..sadis. Padahal dah masuk sejak 2008 kot.confuse betoi..ermmmmmmm....
Oklah, nanti saya stori pengalaman dok hospital tu plak ye. Gambar menyusul dalam entry seterusnya in shaa Allah.
Btw, saya dapat mc 3 hari ye.. Doakan saya cepat sihat (^_^)
Infected epidermal cyst
Reviewed by Teacher Basariah
Isnin, Januari 19, 2015
BalasPadamerm..siapa sangka jerawat kecil rupanya cyst ye kak...apa-apa pun, get well soon n selamat berehat
BalasPadamYa Allah. Seram gak tgk Tapi nasib baik cepat Cikgu bertindak. Sebelum melarat.
BalasPadamPasal insurans tu, mmg byk yg saya dengar bila betul2 masuk hospital, kena bayar deposit la apa la. Tak fahamgak,
Anak makcik pernah operate macam ni.....
BalasPadambab insuran mmg mcm tu..masa suh beli, janji manis semua cover...bila nak claim, mcm mcm pulak cerita lain keluar, x cover 100% lah, bukan panel lah dan mcm mcm lagi.